Monday, May 25, 2015

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Spring Flower Wreath

I decided to share a wreath I made for the entry way to my house. I recently had Fall and Winter wreaths in the same place and it felt bare when I took all my decorations down. After a few hours on Pinterest I decided to make a wreath that someone posted. It seemed simple enough. The colors were a little different but the concept was the same. I was able to get all my materials from Michael's. It cost around $20 to make this wreath!!


Wine wreath
Letters or Numbers (for your street address) 
Floral wire or Glue gun
Paint (optional)

I arranged the flowers, ribbon, and letters on the wreath the way I wanted. Then I tied everything down with floral wire and I was finished...or so I thought(Top picture). I decided the letters looked a little plain, so with the input from my older sister, I painted our last name in gold and I really liked it.


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

I'm so thankful that the Lord allowed me to be the mother of James Anthony and Jase Ashton! They have never ceased to amaze me. Through all the ups and downs, frustrations and joys of motherhood, I could not have asked for two more perfect little boys. Perfect for me that it!

Parents are commanded by God to teach their children and raise them up in the way that should go ()(Proverbs 22:6) but I have to admit that their presence has been a bigger lesson to me than I feel like I've ever given them. I have learned so much about my God and His unconditional love for me. I have learned about myself and the sacrifices my sweet mother made for me. I struggle with two and she had five! I've learned the importance of patience, love, and trusting God.

I would like to extend a heartfelt Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers, block Moms, spiritual Moms, aunties that act like moms, step moms, and to all those who mother in some form or another. Be blessed everyone!