Sunday, November 24, 2013

November Love

I absolutely love November!!! Why? It holds my favorite holiday....Thanksgiving!!

This is the time of year my family goes all out. We usually have two different types of turkeys, a room filled with sides, another room filled with desserts, with everyone sharing in the cooking and cleaning duties. My mother started a tradition years before she passed . After dinner, everyone would express what they were thankful for. As my family grows, I find myself wanting to not only continue this tradition with my children, but also start a tradition of my own. So I asked myself, "How can I instill a heart of gratitude in my children?"
I though of the perfect, age appropriate project. I bought a pumpkin and decided we would decorate it as a family, covering it with gratitude. I know, it sounds weird so let me explain. Every day in November, I had everyone in my family (we improvised with Jase) write something on the pumpkin they were thankful for. Not only do you verbally express your gratitude, its a visual reminder as well. By the end of the month the pumpkin should be completely covered :)

1 comment:

  1. I had so much fun decorating the pumpkin with my family. Give it a try and let me know what you think, it's not too late :)
