Saturday, October 31, 2015

Tutorial | DIY Breast Cancer Awareness Cupcakes - Sharron's Take

I lost both of my grandmothers to breast cancer. As much as I don't want to think about it, breast cancer runs in my family and is never far from my mind. This video is dedicated to those who fought, fight, and their families that love them.            


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

My Laser Hair Removal Experience - Sharron's Take

Like so many other women out there, I have struggled with facial hair. It's not an easy topic for most of us to talk about. Honestly, it can be down right embarrassing for some of us to admit.

My issues started when I was fourteen and worsened with age. I have tried so many hair removal techniques and products. I have spent so much money on removing hair that was just going to grow back in a few days.

After much consideration, I finally decided to have laser hair removal. I am so glad that I did! My results have been great. At the wonderful age of 31, I am no longer embarrassed by unwanted hair. I am proud of my decision and can freely share my story. Hopefully it will hope someone else out there!   



Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Friday, October 9, 2015

My Two Year YouTube Anniversary!! | GIVEAWAY - Sharron's Take

Yay!! It's my two year anniversary on Youtube. Wow, I can't believe it's already been two years. I started this channel at the urging of my big sister Shaun. After some talking to, I decided that this was a good idea. I didn't quite know what I wanted to do with my channel and I'm still learning. I thought vlogging was weird and frankly who cared about the daily ins and outs of my life?? LOL

"Who puts their personal business on Youtube anyway??"

Now that it's been two years, I finally see some of the purpose God has for my channel and for me. I've grown so much and I'm glad I decided to step out on faith and do this. I've learned so much about myself and from others. I'm glad I have an avenue to let loose creatively. I love to do so many things and this has been the perfect forum to express myself. I'm so blessed that I can finally show my love for Christ, journalism, baking, fashion, and any other randomness that comes across my mind.

Thank you everyone that has read my blogs, watched my vlogs, and continued to support me.

You will never know how much I appreciate you. I can only pray that my life continue to bless others as much as God has blessed me. Love you all and as always be blessed!! ]


Monday, October 5, 2015

Vlog | Picnic Time!! - Sharron's Take


Fall Time Fun

It's that time of year again....FALL!!!!!! This has and will always be my favorite season. I love the chill that comes in the air. It's not too hot, not too cold and I can finally wear my boots!!! Another reason I love this time of year is because it means Thanksgiving is right around the corner. For the past three years I have tried to focus my mind on being grateful, regardless of the circumstance. This year is no different. I have suffered much lose but I still have so much more to appreciate

If you're new to my blog, every year we make a gratitude pumpkin. "I'm Thankful For" is written boldly on the front and every day of November, each member of the family writes down something they are grateful for. It's a great visual reminder. It really does put your mind on the right track for having a grateful heart. 

This year our family started early. We went to the store and both boys picked out there
 pumpkin. Then we went home and decorated our tables. I know it's only the first of
October, but I wanted to get an early start this year. Here are a few pictures from our outing.