Thursday, April 16, 2015

What Would You Say To Your Younger Self?

I came across this picture earlier this evening and I had to admit, it really made me think. What would I say to my younger self?? What wisdom or truth could I share with the younger me?  I've learned so much the past few years, how could I possibly sum that up in two words??

As I reflect on my youth, the pain, struggles and all the uncertainty, two words naturally come to the front of my mind. The same two words that have echoed in my womanhood. My note would simply say, "Be Brave!" Simple, yet so profound.

Even though I am proud of my accomplishments and all the many blessings the good Lord has given me, I can't help but wonder what could have been. Where would I be if I would have moved forward with bravery instead of fear? How would things be different?

My younger self was so fearful and consequently I led a life filled with "safe choices." But safe choices aren't always the "right choices." Bravery is what allows you to make a leap of faith when it doesn't make sense. Bravery allows you to walk the road less travelled, to be a leader instead of a follower.

I worried too much about what others would think. I didn't want to rock the boat. I was so scared of taking risks. But time has had her way and things have changed. Life truly has been the best teacher and experience is the invaluable lesson. Fear really does kill more dreams than failure.

So once again, I would tell my younger self to be brave. Live a life you can be proud of. That doesn't mean you won't make mistakes because you will! That doesn't mean you won't mess up because you certainly will do that as well. Just be brave enough to try!!

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